

I'm the Baby Gotta Love Me

The eyes are often compared to windows as openings through which you see out and others see in. The muscles around the eyes provide an enormity of information about one's emotions and reactions. The eyes communicate an enormous amount of social information through eye gaze, or what one is looking at, and joint attention in which you catch another's eyes and then look at something together. Eye contact with another person has cultural meaning as well. In some cultures averting your gaze is a sign of respect. In others, averting the eyes communicates deception.

The eyes can tell a lot about your health. Yellow eyes indicate jaundice. blood shot eyes show stress and fatigue. The doctor looks into your eyes to observe the optic nerve giving him a glimpse into your brain. And, for some time now, eye exercises have improved educational performance.

Eye exercises have been prescribed to improve vision since ancient times. Orthoptics is the medical term for eye muscle training procedures which address eye teaming and visual clarity (acuity) only.
Vision Therapy is designed to correct eye movements and visual-motor deficiencies by enhancing the brain's ability to control eye alignment, eye teaming, eye focusing, eye movements, and visual processing. Visual-motor skills and endurance are developed through the use of specialized computer and optical devices, including therapeutic lenses, prisms, and filters.
The practice of NLP or Nerolinguistic Programming has been around since the 1970's. One of NLP core skills is The Eye Accessing Cues which indicate whether a person is thinking in images, sounds, self-talk, or through their feelings. Some NLP experts consider eye movements to be an aid to thinking since they stimulate different parts of the brain.

The latest understanding of eye movements and how they relate to behavior is quite intriguing.
Many years ago I read about a therapy for post traumatic stress disorder. It involved bringing up disturbing memories and performing specific eye movements.

Analyses of scaled self-report data from Vietnam War veterans receiving inpatient treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder drawn during a program evaluation study suggested inpatient treatment as provided by the program resulted in significant improvement in the areas of Anxiety, Anger, Depression, Isolation, Intrusive Thoughts (of combat experiences), Flashbacks, Nightmares (of combat experiences), and Relationship Problems. Comparing the relative effects of the incremental addition of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Relaxation Training, and Biofeedback found that EMDR was for most problems the most effective extra treatment, greatly increasing the positive impact of the treatment program.Journal of Traumatic Stress, Vol. 8, No. 2. (30 April 1995), pp. 337-342.
This therapy has proved so useful that it is used in many kinds of emotional therapy. It is endorsed by the British National Institute for Clinical Excellence.
Vision is closely related to balance, and if the middle ear and the visual system are not in agreement, poor balance and vertigo may occur. The middle ear tells the brain the position of your head based on the force of gravity. This is called the vestibular system. If your eyes are telling your brain that you are moving, and your middle ear is saying that you are not moving your vestibular system is confused. The brain can be trained to rely more on the middle ear for balance, and less on the visual system. Try standing on one foot. Try standing on one foot with your eyes closed.

Some therapies for Learning Disabilities and ADD combine vision and balance. The Dore Program has had great anecdotal success with dyslexia and ADD using exercises requiring the continuous involvement of the cerebellum in balance and coordinated eye movements.
The Learning Breakthrough Program is a system comprised of specialized equipment and activities that use balance, challenge, and sensory integration techniques to stimulate the neural networks in the brain. Bal-A-Vis-X is a series of Balance/Auditory/Vision eXercises, of varied complexity, all of which are deeply rooted in rhythm. The integration of vision, balance, sound and movement improves individual performance and attitude.

Eye Hand Coordination Exercises http://www.disaboom.com/Health/visualrehabilitation/visual-rehabilitation-eye-hand-coordination-exercises.aspx

Vision is an integral part of brain function that, along with balance, has influences on all areas of human behavior.

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