
I Photograph the Moon

The massive winter storm Jonas is visiting the East Coast today but I am in Florida.

There is a big nearly full moon in the sky here tonight. I took a picture of it before sunset when it was low on the eastern horizon. After dark, I photographed it again. How do you make a photo of the moon interesting?

In the past I have photographed the moon with clouds in the sky. Tonight I used a foreground of the branches of a tree. I'm not sure what will be in focus when I download the photos.

A beautiful moon makes me happy.


Day Two - Star Wars

Saturday is movie night for me. This week I went to see Star Wars The Force Awakens.
The long awaited movie opened December 18, 2015, but I waited until the crowds thinned out.

I thoroughly enjoyed  Star Wars A New Hope back in 1977. It was exciting and like nothing I had seen before. I sat on the edge of my seat from the opening scene and stayed there until the last credit rolled.

This latest movie was just plain fun. It was a roller coaster ride past so many Star Wars icons, stormtroopers, Darth Vader's helmet, the Millennium Falcon, light sabers,  Dejarik (holographic chess),
 with a "Where Are They Now" episode thrown into the mix.

I don't know what today's young will think of this movie in the Star Wars catalog, but for this boomer, I enjoyed the ride.


Looking For The Joy

2015 went by without a post. So did 2014. My mother always said, "If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all." So I haven't.

In an effort to turn the tide, I will attempt to find something nice to say each day of 2016.
So far I am about two hours late with my first post but here goes:

I truly enjoy photography. I take pictures as well as video. Tonight I was organizing digital videos and photos. I revisited my 2011 road trip to Arches National Park in Moab, Utah  with my sister.

Utah is beautiful. I wouldn't have thought so as a child, but as an adult I can appreciate the great forces at work in creating the enormous landscape of rock and sky. I can appreciate the skill and knowledge of people who make a living in such a land. I can wonder at the lives of the dinosaurs whose remains can be found throughout the state.

I am fascinated by the human urge to leave a note behind in what today we call graffiti, while those left by prehistoric peoples we call petroglyphs. You can see a lot of both in Utah.

We enjoyed Utah so much we went back the next year to see Zion National Park.
Calendar of my photographs