
Day Two - Star Wars

Saturday is movie night for me. This week I went to see Star Wars The Force Awakens.
The long awaited movie opened December 18, 2015, but I waited until the crowds thinned out.

I thoroughly enjoyed  Star Wars A New Hope back in 1977. It was exciting and like nothing I had seen before. I sat on the edge of my seat from the opening scene and stayed there until the last credit rolled.

This latest movie was just plain fun. It was a roller coaster ride past so many Star Wars icons, stormtroopers, Darth Vader's helmet, the Millennium Falcon, light sabers,  Dejarik (holographic chess),
 with a "Where Are They Now" episode thrown into the mix.

I don't know what today's young will think of this movie in the Star Wars catalog, but for this boomer, I enjoyed the ride.

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